About me

I am a postdoc at the Institute for Machine Learning at JKU Linz with Johannes Brandstetter and Sepp Hochreiter, where I am working with machine learning for geometry and simulation.

I received a PhD in mathematics from the University of Oslo for the thesis on Neural Representations in Geometry. I was hosted by the Geometry group at SINTEF as a fellow of GRAPES — a Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN on Learning, processing and optimising shapes.

I received my BSc and MSc in mechanical engineering from RWTH Aachen specializing in simulation technology. In both theses, I applied machine learning to engineering tasks where geometry was a key consideration. This inspired my current research interests on

  • machine learning for science and engineering,
  • geometry in machine learning,
  • theory-informed learning,
  • ReLU neural networks,
  • neural fields.